Apache Calcite vs Apache Phoenix

May 08, 2022


The world of big data is constantly evolving, with new technologies emerging every year. Apache Calcite and Apache Phoenix are two big data processing tools that have been around for a while. In this article, we'll compare the two tools and see how they differ.

Apache Calcite

Apache Calcite is an open-source framework that provides a SQL parser and generates a query tree for relational databases. It enables users to write SQL queries against data residing in different data stores, such as Hadoop, Cassandra, and Druid. Calcite is known for its flexibility and extensibility and has been adopted by several big data tools, such as Apache Hive and Apache Flink.

Apache Phoenix

Apache Phoenix is an SQL skin for Apache HBase, an open-source NoSQL database. Phoenix provides a relational database layer on top of HBase and enables users to query HBase data using SQL. Phoenix makes it easier for users familiar with SQL to work with HBase and provides low-latency, high-performance access to HBase data.


Both Calcite and Phoenix provide an SQL interface for big data processing. However, they differ in the following ways:

Data Sources Support

Apache Calcite supports a wide range of data sources, including Hadoop, Cassandra, and Druid, while Apache Phoenix is built specifically for HBase. This means that Calcite can be integrated with more big data tools, while Phoenix is a more specialized tool.

Query Optimization

Calcite can optimize queries by generating a query tree and applying various optimizations, such as filtering and projection. Phoenix also has some query optimization capabilities, but it is less robust compared to Calcite.


Phoenix is built specifically for HBase, which makes it highly optimized for low-latency, high-performance access to HBase data. Calcite, on the other hand, provides a more general-purpose SQL interface and may not be as optimized for specific data sources.

Ease of use

Phoenix provides a simple SQL interface on top of HBase, which makes it easy for users with SQL knowledge to work with HBase data. Calcite is more flexible than Phoenix, but it requires more configuration and setup to work with different data sources.


Overall, both Calcite and Phoenix are strong tools for big data processing. If you need to query HBase data specifically, Phoenix is your best bet. However, if you need a tool that can work with a variety of data sources and provide query optimization capabilities, then Apache Calcite is the way to go.


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